Kosher Options in Cabo

We've come a long way...
15 years ago, the possibility of easy Kosher access in Cabo was but a dream.
Today, thank G-d, living or visiting Cabo offers an array of Kosher options to enjoy. From the local meat restaurant at the Jewish Center, to catering options, kitchen Koshering and private chef services, along with two resorts that have built fully Kosher kitchens with full time hashgachasupervision,

you will get to enjoy the beauty and magic of Cabo without compromising on the highest levels of kashrut.

Ray's Cabo Restaurant
Ray's Cabo is a fine dining, glatt-Kosher meat experience, located on the ground floor of the Cabo Jewish Center.
They offer all sorts of of fresh, gourmet meat dishes, including burgers, schnitzel plates, ribeye steaks, fish tacos and some other Mexican dishes and desserts.
Ray's Cabo also offers delivery to hotels in and around Cabo.
Ray's Cabo operating hours
Sun - Thu
Fri -
1:00p - 9:00p
10:00a - 3:00p
Click image or here to see the
Ray's Cabo menu
+52 624 125 7932
Ray's Cabo is under the strict supervision of Rabbi Benny Hershcovich from Chabad of Cabo

Kosher Catering
Shabbat Catering
Event Catering
Ray's Cabo will prepare and customize menus for weddings, simchas and other larger events in and around Cabo.
Dairy Catering
During certain times of the year, or with large enough crowds, dairy catering can be offered. We are working on getting a fully dairy restaurant back up and running. Contact us to see what dairy options are available.
Ray's Cabo is under the strict supervision of Rabbi Benny Hershcovich from Chabad of Cabo

Kosher Meats at the CJC
Bringing meats into Mexico is not allowed. If caught, your meats or chicken will likely be confiscated at the airport.
Make your trip easier by purchasing your Kosher proteins from the CJC
The CJC has a freezer filled with Glatt Kosher, high quality meats and chickens on the ground floor.
For special, customized orders, contact us at least 2 weeks in advance of your trip.
Contact Gabriel for your orders

Kosher Hotels in Cabo
Cabo is blessed with two resorts that have built in Kosher kitchens, catering to their Kosher guests top of the line Kosher meals throughout their stay.
Both hotel kitchens are under the strict Kashrut supervision of Chabad of Cabo and are both chalav yisrael and glatt Kosher.
If you are looking for a stress free hotel, where all your Kosher meals will be cooked and served on site, then check out the following two hotels:
The Solaz resort is on the cusp of opening their all-new Kosher kitchen, for guests to be able to enjoy full Kosher meals and services while staying on the premises.
As of October 27, 2024, they will have full time hashgacha supervision on site.
Hashgacha is provided by Chabad of Cabo. Payment will be made directly to the hotel and Chabad will be available for any questions or comments.
The Zadun, a Ritz Carlton reserve, is located in Puerto Los Cabos and boasts Michelin star chefs in their kitchens, who have designed a world class Kosher menu, allowing their Jewish guests to completely immerse in the Zadun experience, without compromising on Kosher standards.​​
Hashgacha is provided by Chabad of Cabo. Once supervision fee is paid to Chabad, you'll gain access to the Zadun's world-class, top of the line Kosher menu.
The Kosher kitchens at the Ritz Carlton Zadun and at the Solaz are both under the strict supervision of Rabbi Benny Hershcovich from Chabad of Cabo

Kitchen Koshering and Supervision

Are you renting a villa in Cabo? Doing a wedding or family event in or around Cabo?
Enjoy the full luxury of Cabo without compromising on the highest standards of kashrut.
Chabad of Cabo can kosherize and supervise kitchens at private villas,
hotel rooms, commercial kitchens, hotels or private parties.
Rates start at $1000usd for kitchen koshering and $400 for daily supervision (5 day minimum)

Kosher Products in Cabo

Here are but a few of the most common Kosher symbols that you'll find stocking shelves at your local supermarkets in Cabo.
Each company has their own standard for Kosher certification. The logos here are NOT condoned by The CJC or Chabad of Cabo. They are only here for informational purposes.
​Please do your own due diligence and research to determine which which Kosher agencies you choose to personally trust.
To make your Kosher stay easier, we've compiled a list of basic Kosher foods that you may find in these large Cabo supermarkets.
The following is not a thorough list. Many products can be found which are not on this list. The CJC and Chabad of Cabo also does not condone the standard of Kashrut of the items in these stores. Research and decisions with regards to which Kosher certifications are acceptable to you should be done independently.
Basic products are available in all stores, but here are some specialty foods in Cabo that you may not have known about that should have Kosher symbols.

Soriana Supermarket
Tuna fish (MK Kosher. Not bishul yisrael)
Milks (not chalav yisrael)
Yogurts (not chalav yisrael)
Fresh corn tortillas

Chedraui &
Chedraui Selecto
Tuna fish (MK Kosher. Not bishul yisrael)
Milks (not chalav yisrael)
Yogurts (not chalav yisrael)
Fresh corn tortillas
Tuna fish (MK Kosher. Not bishul yisrael)
Milks (not chalav yisrael)
Yogurts (not chalav yisrael)
Fresh corn tortillas
Breads (NY Deli, not pat yisrael)

Tuna fish (MK Kosher. Not bishul yisrael)
Milks (not chalav yisrael)
Yogurts (not chalav yisrael)
Fresh corn tortillas
Cold Cuts (Kurson Kosher. Chalak B"Y)
Cheese (Kurson Kosher. C"Y)
Fresko or La Comer

Spirits and wines
Cabernet Sauvignon (mevushal)
Malbec (mevushal)
Chardonnay (mevushal)

Smoked salmon and herring
Tuna fish (MK Kosher. Not Bishul Yisrael)
Cold cuts (Kurson Kosher. Chalak B"Y)
Cheese (Kurson, Natural & Kosher. C"Y)
Almond, Rice and Soy Milk
Milks (not chalav yisrael)
Yogurts (not chalav yisrael)